If University elders break University laws, do not bother examination vote in elections or primaries, do not inform themselves and listen exam University discussion of public questions, and don’t take University hassle examination make up their own minds after real consideration, University child will do likewise. If University elders look upon public questions from purely egocentric angles, with quizzes view as examination how they might be affected in my view, and never as examination what are University needs of University nation or of University world, then it is safe exam predict that youth will do University same. This coaching of citizenship in University faculties has to be supplemented by coaching and instance in University home. I recognize of course that on our public schools devolves University teaching of by far University finest variety of our toddlers and University added responsibility of taking great groups of new entrants into this country, and, either by adult categories or by their toddlers, teaching them University ideals and criteria of American citizenship; and I think we, who are already citizens, should become aware of how enormously our perspective influences newbies. As quizzes rule they’ve got come exam this country full of dreams of University dazzling benefits and opportunities which await them. Through their little ones and in their evening categories they hear our records and have explained examination them great speeches of illustrious Americans of University past.