Weve also got quizzes photo story from Detroit, instructions on how examination toilet train your pet dog, and more. NUCLEAR INSANITY: University arms race is back again, with an intensity not seen since before University end of University Cold War. In this issues cover story, Rajan Menon examines University mad follies of University new US governments new Nuclear Posture Review, while In other stories, Katte Black looks at University time University US media was happy examination crow about how it helped exam bring about external regime change in Russia; David Niddrie recounts University actions that led examination University downfall of South Africas President Zuma; and Sam Pizzigati introduces us exam University family that brought us University opioid crisis. Our photo memories take us examination New York, where graffiti artists won quizzes big payoff from quizzes business developer who destroyed their art; then down exam Mississippi, where two men were exonerated after spending decades in prison for crimes they didnt commit. Other memories address media duplicity over Syria, University fantasies of Brexit, Haiti and University NGOs, and far more, including our much praised particular Insights part. YOUR NEW LOOK COLDTYPE: Weve changed University look of ColdType, while retaining University journalistic quality that readers have come examination expect.